جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة


(Portion of students) 

Phone (Central University): 8,618,888 - (014) 

Direct dial phone: 8618040 - (014) 

Supervisor of the Scholarship and Training Department 
D.abdal​​rahman abdalghani Al Harbi 
Ext (8410-2266) 
Direct 868 410 (014)
Secretary of the Standing Committee of the scholarship and training 
 Khaled Mehanna​ Alsa'edi 
Ext (2277)
Director of Scholarships and Training Administration 
 Essam Abdel Hadi Rizg 
Ext (2288)
Director of the Office of the Supervisor of the scholarship and training management 
Ala'a Hassan Farsi 
Ext (2287)
Unit decisions 
Ishag Mohammed Alarfaj 
Ext (2275)
The severity of the financial guarantees 
abdalmalik Omar Seferji 
Ext (2250)
Administrative communication (incoming) 
Mohammad khalid Alsagher 
Ext (2251) 

Communications Management (issued) 
Mohammed Hassan Farsi 
Ext (2274)

Methods of communication​ 

Fax: 8472476 - (0096614) 

Fax mail: 8618501 - (0096614) 
P.o.Box: scholarship fund and a management training: 30 012 
Medina - Zip Code: 41 477

(Female section) 

Phone (Central University): 8,618,888 - (014)

Help the supervisor of the scholarship and training management 
Abeer Kaky 
Ext 2299 
Unit secretarial and administrative communications 
Nosaibah makkawi 
Ext 2298 
E unit 
Reem Al Hazmi 
Ext 2297 

Methods of communication 

Fax: 8472476 - (0096614) 

Fax mail: 8618501 - (0096614) 
P.o.Box: scholarship fund and a management training: 30 012 
Medina - Zip Code: 41 477​