جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة
Administrative Communication (Rasel) System
Short description

The Rasel system was built using the latest technologies and programming tools available globally to ensure security, effectiveness, and ease of use for all users of the system. This system serves all procedures related to managing outgoing, incoming, and internal transactions.

Service Provider:

Deanship of Information Technology and Digital Transformation.

Category benefiting from the service:

All staff and Employees

Service Feature
  • The ability to perform a set of procedures on any transaction.
  • A special set of notifications on actions, and all actions taken can be tracked until the transactions are completed.
  • Reminder notifications to ensure work is completed within the specified time.
  • Record the activities on the transaction for the purpose of later review and audit and other features.

System Requirements
  • You can log into the system using your email username and password.
  • Speed of updating, approving and storing data so that you can use the system.
  • The services and tools available to you are made available based on your powers at work and in accordance with the organizational structure in place at your employer.


Total Voting : 2114


f you have any inquiries or technical problems, submit a communiqué via  Daaem :

Daaem system for technical problems



The Deanship of Information Technology issued a detailed guide to all services and tools for the system and published it in the personal file of the university employee within the Rasel system under the name (Help).