جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة
Short description

It is a platform dedicated to educational programs with original licenses for the educational sectors, as the programs were provided to the university's employees, including students and faculty members, and a topic, in addition to the virtual desktop.

Service Feature

-The service is for all employees of the university, including students, employees, and faculty members. -Access to the platform includes smart devices.
-It contains a comprehensive set of all educational programs.
-The possibility of listing and classifying all educational programs in an easy way.
- Easy to search for the selected program through smart filter tools.
-Store files on the current device and upload them to one drive to ensure file confidentiality.
- Increased productivity and reduced downtime.

System Requirements

  • To be one of the university staff or faculty members 
  • To have an account on the university network (user name )​.​  

  Service forms:
Important Documents

Total Voting : 9729

In case of any questions or technical problems, please contact at:

  Ext:  8880​            Direct line:  014/8618880

   E-mail:   helpdesk@taibahu.edu.sa