جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة
Content Management System
Short description

The Control Panel for External Website:

is a platform that enables university sectors editors to manage the sectors' website pages, edit digital content, and add texts, images, tables, hyperlinks, etc.

 Service Provider:

Deanship of Information Technology and Digital Transformation 

Category benefiting from the service:

University Sectors Editors

Service Feature
​Ease of editing content without the need for

knowledge of programming languages or website development. 

System Requirements
Obtain sector editor authority by filling out the form.


Total Voting : 0

​Enter to the Internal Gate:

1- Taibah University website - from the bar at the top, "Intranet" - Electronic Systems - Link to "Control Panel of External Site"

2- Or from the "Tech Service Platform" - General Services - Control Panel on the External Site.

In case of a problem Submit a communiqué via  Daaem :

Daaem system for technical problems

Or by email arir@taibahu.edu.sa.