جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة
Electronic Admission Portal
Short description

It is an electronic platform provided by the university to facilitate the  admission, and transfer processes for students to various programs. This portal allows applicants to apply for academic programs offered by the university, from diploma and bachelor’s degrees to postgraduate studies.

It provides an effective and unified electronic means for managing the admission and transfer stages and related procedures, such as verifying the applicant’s identity, withdrawing information from the relevant government agencies, uploading documents, and inquiring about the status of the application.

The category benefiting from the service
  • Male and female students wishing to study at Taibah University.
  • Students wishing to transfer internally or externally.

Service Feature
  • ​Easy access to the portal from anywhere via the Internet.
  • Accelerating the acceptance process as processes are carried out electronically.
  • Ease of following up on requests and knowing the required procedures.
  • Integration with government systems and university systems such as the admission and registration system.
System Requirements
  • ​Availability of internet connection
  • The service can be accessed from the Taibah University website, home page, and the electronic admission portal icon

Total Voting : 1027

​Notes and Directions 

  • There is no fixed directory for the portal. The Deanship of Admission and Registration annually prepares a guide for admission and transfer and a guide for the service
  • The services in the portal are activated/deactivated according to the plan developed by the university for applying to the various programs.