جــــامـــعــة طــيــبــة
Suppliers System
Short description
It is a system of registering the data of companies and enterprises supplying for the university, submitting the required documents and updating them at any time.

  Service Provider:
       Procurement department
   Category of recipient:
       ​All Companies and institutions supplied to the university.
Service Feature
  • Registering companies and enterprises electronically
  • Receiving invitations electronically
  • Adjusting and managing the account of the company
  • Replying the invitations electronically
  • Speed of search for suppliers
  • Acceptance or refusal and dividing the suppliers
  • Displaying the invitations​
System Requirements
  1. The administrative officer inside the university should have an account on the university network​.To
  2. have a commercial registry.
  3. To have a certificate of Zakat and Income​. 
  4. To have a social insurance certificate.
  5. To have a Labour Office​ Certificate (For citizens).
  6. To have a No. IBAN bank. 
  7. The information and contact ways with the company or institution which requesting the service.​

  Service forms:
​      Please, download the IBAN bank Form below.


Total Voting : 7765
Registering the suppliers data
  • Registering the suppliers data


 ​You must provide all the required documents in PDF format, before starting ​to register​ your appl​ication request becuse the system hase limited regester time.


   In case of any questions or technical problems, please contact at:​


    E-mail:  smughadawy@taib​ahu.edu.sa